The County Charter gives the Planning Board a major role in recommending the content of the Capital Program and Budget. The Board's other advisory responsibilities are established in the County Code or by Executive Order. They include making recommendations or decisions on:
- The Baltimore County Master Plan
- Area and special plans and other amendments to the Master Plan
- The Comprehensive Zoning Map Process
- Amendments to zoning and related regulations
- Functional plans, such as the Master Water and Sewerage PlanandBasicServicesMaps
- Developments that conflict with the master plan or involve historic landmarks
- Review and formulation of theCapital Improvement Program
- Review of theAnnual Development Impact Fee Reports
Staff Contact: 410-887-3482
The Planning Board meets on the first and third Thursday of each month, excluding August and December. Special meetings of the Board or Committees are scheduled as necessary. All meetings are open to the public.
Unless otherwise noted, meetings begin at 4 p.m. in Room104 at:
Jefferson Building
105West Chesapeake Avenue
Towson, Maryland 21204
Meetings will conclude once the Board has addressed all items on the agenda, which may be earlier than the posted end time.
If, because of a disability, you need a reasonable accommodationto participate in this event, call the Department of Planning at 410-887-3480 or via TTY, at 1-800-735-2258 or 711, at least two working days before the event.
For the majority of agenda items, the Board first conducts an advertised introduction and review at least two weeks before voting on its decisions or recommendations. Either through public hearings or scheduled opportunities during meetings, citizens can participate by offering verbal or written testimony. Written testimony sent in advance is always welcome. Use of the hearing room audio-visual equipment at public hearings is permitted if thePlanning Board's policyis followed.
It is advised that individuals giving presentations to the planning board present visual materials i.e. maps, plans, etc. using a digital format such as PowerPoint. Rendered site plans must be mounted and GIS aerials must be mounted or easily visible on an overhead projector.
All of the above items and a copy of the digital materials must be given to the Planning Board Manager, Taylor Bensley, at 410-887-3480 no later than 48 hours in advance. The presenter must arrive at the Planning Board a minimum of one half hour before the meeting to prepare for the actual presentation.
How to Testify
Citizens may registerto address the Planning Board (for themselves or as representatives of organizations or clients) for certain agenda items. The chairman will announce the points during the Board’s deliberations (generally after the presentation by County staff and/or the applicant), at which this testimony will be received. Anyone wishing to testify can register in advance by emailing their name and phone number totbensley@baltimorecountymd.govbefore 3 p.m. on the date of the hearing. Each speaker testifying will be given two minutes to speak. Those who do not wish to speak at the hearing but want to share their thoughts can provide written comment or testimony via email or Webex chat. The specific rules of procedure for the testimony will be available during the Webex meeting.
For in-personmeetings sign-in sheets will be provided in the Jefferson Building lobby outside of Room 104 for citizensto address the Board (for themselves or as representatives of organizations or clients). These sheets will be posted approximately half an hourprior to the Board Meeting start time.
Inclement Weather Policy
This policy will be implemented for the foreseeable future and will follow the actions of the County offices.
No meetings will be held when County offices are closed for the day, meetings willproceed as scheduled if County offices are under liberal leave status. For questions regarding the cancellation of a meeting, please call the office at 410-887-3482.
To view upcoming meeting details, select from the list below.
- Planning Board Meeting: September 5
- Thursday September 05 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
- Virtual WebEx Meeting
Meeting Details:Will be posted when available.
- Planning Board Meeting: September 19
- Thursday September 19 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
- Virtual WebEx Meeting
Meeting Details:Will be posted when available.
- Planning Board Meeting: October 1
- Tuesday October 01 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
- Virtual WebEx Meeting
Meeting Details:Will be posted when available.
- Planning Board Meeting: October 17
- Thursday October 17 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
- Virtual WebEx Meeting
Meeting Details:
- 5:00 PM: Citizen Input Meeting
- Planning Board Meeting: November 7
- Thursday November 07 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
- Virtual WebEx Meeting
Meeting Details:Will be posted when available.
- Planning Board Meeting: November 21
- Thursday November 21 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
- Virtual WebEx Meeting
Meeting Details:Will be posted when available.