1. Basho's Frogger and Jabber - Electronic Literature Collection
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Letter to Linus :
2. 5 Translations of the Frog Pond Haiku by Matsuo Bashō
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Basho’s frog and pond haiku has been translated many times by many authors. Looking through some of these translations, I’ve found the following poems, which I consider my favorites. I did not look at the authors until after reading the poems, and Lo, some of these are my favorite authors too! (1) The old pond, […]
3. A Contrarian View of Basho's Frog | WHRarchives - WordPress.com
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Vol 5-1, Summer 2005 DREAMS OF A CONTRARIAN OXONIAN…… FRAGMENTARY NOTES [ 1 ] A Contrarian View on Basho’s Frog Haiku Susumu Takiguchi Thanks in part to the global reach of the In…

4. Basho's Frog Haiku: 32 Translations - Bureau of Public Secrets
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The original Japanese:
5. Frogs – matsuo-basho-haiku
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Posts about Frogs written by philo-sophic-ally-speaking

6. Adrienne Dodt | SRPR Blog - Spoon River Poetry Review
Mar 20, 2016 · Basho's Frogger by Neil Hennessy is a mash-up of a famous haiku by Basho and the arcade game Frogger. The Electronic Literature Organization ...
7. Third Hand Plays: The Comedy of Reduction - Open Space - SFMOMA
Jul 26, 2011 · ... Basho's Frogger (whose entire text is the “frg ... roll) recursion — you'll hear about this shortly. “Muds,” by Jhave. Tags: Basho's Frogger ...
Poets have played with the idea of absolute compression since the start of the tradition — epigrams and haiku are two of the oldest forms of poetry — yet it’s not until the 20th century that one sees this trend extend to poems of under, say, five or ten words. Apollinaire included a one-sentence poem (called […]

8. Haiku - Bookwise.io
This is the Bookwise complete ebook of Haiku by Matsuo Bashō & Various Authors, available to read online as an alternative to epub, mobi, kindle, pdf or text ...
Bookwise complete text of 'Haiku' by Matsuo Bashō & Various Authors

9. Laughing with Basho ( Humanity and Friendship ) - Basho4Humanity
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The only substantial collection in English of Basho's linked verse, prose, letters, and spoken word, selected for their expression of humanity, of women and children, of joy and caring, along with commentaries to enable the ordinary reader to understand and enjoy Basho's hidden meanings. Laughing with Basho is the topic of this article.
10. One Hundred Frogs in Steve McCaffery's The Basho Variations
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Explore millions of resources from scholarly journals, books, newspapers, videos and more, on the ProQuest Platform.

11. Basho's frog - Ecosystem Sound
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