A Citizen's Guide to Zoning and Other Land Use Regulations (2024)

A Citizen’s Guide to Zoning (and other Land Use Regulations)

Baltimore County, Maryland 2015

Table of Contents



Resource Conservation Zones ...... 13 (RC-2, RC-3, RC-4, RC-5, RC-6, RC-7, RC-8, RC-20, RC-50, RCC)

Residential Zones ...... 25 (DR-1, DR-2, DR 3.5, DR-5.5, DR-10.5, DR-16, RAE-1, RAE-2)

Office Zones ...... 37 (ROA, RO, OR-1, OR-2, O-3, OT, SE)

Business Zones ...... 47 (CB, BLR, BL, BM, BR, BMM, BMB, BMYC)

Manufacturing Zones ...... 57 (MR, MLR, ML, MH)

Districts ...... 63 (AS, IM, H, H1, CCC, CT, C, M43, ME, NC)

APPENDICES ...... 73

Appendix A: Selected Zoning Terms ...... 74 Appendix B: Major Milestones ...... 75 Appendix C: Historic Districts ...... 76 Appendix D: Design Review Panel Areas ...... 89 Appendix E: Community Plan Areas ...... 103

An Introduction to Land Use Regulations

Introduction The written regulations, Baltimore County Zoning Regulations (BCZR), establish the land A Citizen's Guide to Zoning (and other Land use standards for each zone. Typically, the Use Regulations) is a brief summary of regulations specify, usually in great detail, the Baltimore County’s primary land use kinds of uses allowed (residences, businesses, regulations to assist citizens in developing manufacturing, etc.); the maximum intensity of a basic understanding of the various processes use (number of dwellings per acre, maximum and documents related to development. The floor area per business, etc.); height limits for emphasis of this guide is on zoning--what structures; minimum setbacks from roads and zoning is, and how it is used to regulate the other property lines; and so forth. development of properties. In addition there are regulations that permit exceptions to the general standards, such as al- Zoning Regulations lowances for porches or bay windows to project into a required setback. There are regulations Zoning is a legal mechanism that limits the use that provide additional requirements for certain of privately-owned land to protect the health, types of uses, such as gas stations, junk yards safety, morals, and/or general welfare of the and golf courses. There are regulations that ad- public. Zoning consists of maps which delin- dress administration and enforcement, including eate different zoning classifications and written procedures for citizens to request variances or regulations providing the standards for each special exceptions. Since the laws can be com- zone. plex, and are generally written in “legalese,” legal interpretation can be required through a There are 37 different zones. In certain areas, special hearing. one of the 10 types of zoning districts may be superimposed onto a zone to provide additional The BCZR also allows for a Planned Unit regulation. Since 2004, Baltimore County’s Development Process, or PUD, where some official zoning map is in the form of an flexibility in the application of the zoning regu- electronic geodatabase. While not the official lations is permitted to allow for more efficient map, the zoning designation of a property use of the land. PUD projects are required to can be viewed on an interactive map at http:// myneighborhood.baltimorecountymd.gov/. (Continued on Page 8)

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 5 An Introduction to Land Use Regulations

Baltimore County’s zoning designations can be classified into five general land use categories. Within each category, each zone describes a different density level or intensity of use.

Resource Conservation Zones are the rural zones primarily governing agricultural uses and large lot resi- dential development. Residential Zones allow for devel- opment at different densities from one dwelling unit per acre up to 80 density units/acre. Office Zonespermit small establish- ments in converted residences to high-rise structures. Some of the office zones permit a mix of commer- cial and residential uses, or moder- ately dense residential development as a primary use. Business Zones allow for uses ranging from small retail and office establishments in converted resi- dences to the more noxious auto- related business uses. Residential uses are also permitted in some busi- ness zones under certain conditions. Manufacturing Zones allow for a variety of very light to heavy manu- facturing uses, as well as office uses.

6 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County An Introduction to Land Use Regulations

Baltimore County Zoning Classification Summary Category Zoning Class Name Description RC 2 Agricultural Protection Primary agricultural zone RC 3 Deferral of Planning and Development Small scale rural development pending a planning study RC 4 Watershed Protection Areas adjacent to water supply reservoirs Resource RC 5 Rural Residential Primary zone for large lot, rural residential development Conservation RC 6 Rural Conservation and Residential Greater protection for resource areas (Rural) RC 7 Resource Preservation Preservation of cultural, historical, recreational and environmental resources RC 8 Environmental Enhancement Protection of reservoir watersheds and extensive natural areas RC 20, RC 50 Resource Conservation Critical Area Agriculture and resource protection adjacent to the Chesapeake Bay RCC Resource Conservation Commercial Rural commercial development at a rural scale DR 1, 2, 3.5, 5.5,10.5 & Density Residential Low, medium and high density urban residential development; each number Residential 16 represents the maximum number of dwelling units per acre. RAE-1 and RAE-2 Residence, Apartment, Elevator Hi-rise residential at 40 and 80 density units per acre, respectively R-O-A Residential Office, (Class A) Class A office (in converted residential structure) R-O Residential Office Class A and Class B (small office building) OR-1 and OR-2 Office/Residential Office or residential uses at DR 5.5 and 10.5, respectively Office O-3 Office Park Exclusive office development OT Office and Technology Intensive technology employment uses with residential uses allowed SE Service Employment Office and light industrial compatible with adjacent residential uses CB Community Business Limited, small commercial businesses serving daily local needs BLR Business Local Restricted A broader range of small businesses serving adjacent neighborhoods BL Business Local Small to moderate scale commercial BM Business Major Large scale, more intensive commercial Business BR Business Roadside Most permissive commercial zone BMM Business Maritime Marina Water-dependent facilities at a neighborhood scale BMB Business Maritime Boatyard Water-dependent facilities at a more intensive scale BMYC Business Maritime Yacht Club Water-dependent yacht club facilities and associated uses MR Manufacturing Restricted Most restrictive industrial classification for transitioning to residential MLR Manufacturing Light Restricted Restrictive industrial classification for transitioning to residential Manufacturing ML Manufacturing Light Light industrial uses and offices MH Manufacturing Heavy Most permissive industrial zone AS Automotive Service Fuel and auto service stations CR Commercial, Rural Rural commercial CCC Commercial, Community Core Regional shopping areas CT Commercial, Town Center Core Town center commercial areas Districts H, H1 Honeygo Area Design standards for Honeygo IM Industrial, Major Industrial parks, with supportive commercial services permitted M43 Middle River Employment Center Special standards for the Middle River Employment Center ME Mercantile Exposition Expositions to support an agricultural society organization NC Neighborhood Commons Preservation of open space parcels in established communities

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 7 An Introduction to Land Use Regulations provide a public benefit, a high quality of de- are reflected in a report or “log of issues.” delegated authority, it is limited in its decision- sign, and be compatible with the neighborhood. Ultimately, the County Council decides on making ability. each “issue,” whether to retain the existing The BCZR is available on the Internet at www. zoning already on the official map or to enact Only the property owner is entitled to petition baltimorecountymd.gov/Agencies/law/county- a different zone(s) or district(s). Generally, in the cycle process, and must show that code.html. each issue is a single property, but an issue there has been either a substantial change may cover many adjoining properties and in the character of the neighborhood since might even cover many hundreds of acres. The the preceding comprehensive process when Changing the Regulations zoning on all other properties (which were not the zoning was changed, or that the last issues) is re-enacted without change. classification was established in error. As The written zoning regulations are enacted a legal matter, either of these conditions is by the Baltimore County Council and can be In addition to the four-year county-wide usually very difficult to prove. amended at any time. A public hearing must be CZMP, the Baltimore County Code provides an held before these laws may be changed. opportunity for “mini”comprehensive zoning at In the cycle process, the owner has the option any time and for any part of the urban county to submit a “documented site plan” specifying The zoning map can be amended, but only (inside the Urban Rural Demarcation Line) in in great detail the manner in which the property through one of four mechanisms. conjunction with a revision or update of the is to be developed and used. If the zoning map Master Plan. The ability to undertake rezoning change is approved by the Board of Appeals, Comprehensive Zoning Map in this way must have prior approval by the compliance with the documented site plan is Process (CZMP) County Council. mandatory even if the property subsequently changes ownership. If the planned use is not Every four years, on an exact schedule Cycle Zoning Process developed within three years, the zoning specified in county law, the county engages in automatically reverts to its prior classification. a process called “comprehensive” zoning. The During the years between the quadrennial By improving the predictability about the actual participants in the process include individual “comprehensive” processes, the zoning map results of a zoning map change, the documented landowners, contract purchasers, community might also be changed through the “cycle” site plan alternative makes it easier for the organizations, county staff, the Planning Board, process. This opportunity arises twice a year, petitioner to garner support for the request, but and the County Council. on a specified schedule, with the ultimate this alternative cannot legally be used in the decision made by the Baltimore County Board “comprehensive” process. The CZMP covers a period of approximately of Appeals instead of the County Council. 12 months and results in zoning decisions that Because the Board of Appeals is exercising

8 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County An Introduction to Land Use Regulations

A Comparison of the Comprehensive and Cycle Zoning Map Amendment Processes

Comprehensive Zoning Map Process Cycle Zoning Process

Frequency Occurs every fourth year, beginning in the year immediately after a council Occurs every six months, except during the period of the election. “comprehensive” process.

Schedule Follows a schedule of fixed dates for filing and reviews, beginning on Follows a schedule of fixed periods for filing (March 1 and September September 1st and ending with final action by September 16th of the 1) and reviews, but is open-ended on the time for a final decision. following year.

Petitioners Issues may be raised by any person(s) or organization(s), with or without Petition may be filed only by the property owner (or owner’s agent, the property owner’s knowledge or consent; the owner, however, is including contract purchaser). notified.

Scope Scope is countywide, i.e., every property is potentially an issue. Decision pertains solely to the property covered by the petition; Neighboring properties may be raised (before the end of the filing period) neighboring properties can be considered for rezoning only during a as additional issues to provide for comprehensive analyses and decisions. subsequent cycle or comprehensive process.

Decision Final decision is made by the County Council, as a legislative action which Decision is made by the County Board of Appeals, as a quasi- is not ordinarily appealable to the courts. judicial action appealable through the Circuit Court, etc.

Criteria No party to the process has a formal “burden of proof”. Applicants usually The County Board of Appeals must consider a specified list of attempt to persuade the Council (and other participants) that the change criteria, and can only grant a rezoning upon a formal finding that, would be reasonable, appropriate, etc.; opponents attempt to persuade since the previous comprehensive process when the zoning was otherwise. changed, there has been a substantial change in the character of the neighborhood or that the last classification was established in error.

Documented Applicants may submit plans or make other statements about future use, If a petitioner volunteers to submit a “documented site plan,” and Plans but these cannot be part of a rezoning granted by the Council, and are not the rezoning is granted, the plan is binding on the property and is enforceable by the County. Covenants may be recorded to bind the use of enforceable by the county. the property, but the County cannot be a party to the covenants.

Public Public hearings are conducted by the Planning Board and by the County The Board of Appeals conducts formal, quasi-judicial hearings, with Hearings Council, but speakers usually are given only about three minutes each. testimony and cross-examination under oath, and sufficient time for Written comments may also be submitted. each party to make its case.

Public Notice Legal notices in newspapers advertise the public hearings, with one A sign is posted on each property under petition, advising of the hearing in each council district. Signs are posted on properties within the board’s hearing and the opportunity for aggrieved persons to become issue. Mailings are sent to property owners within and adjacent to issues. parties to the proceedings.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 9 An Introduction to Land Use Regulations

Out-of-cycle Zoning Process ● A change in the property’s zoning that was The code authorizes certain county agencies to not within the boundaries of a filed issue. develop additional standards and guidelines to The standard “cycle” process operates on a set ● A technical drafting error made by the further ensure development is consistent with schedule, twice a year, including periods for original petitioner for a zoning change, county, state and federal mandates and goals. filing of petitions, recommendations by the provided the error did not impact on the These include: Planning Board, and hearings by the Board of intent of the County Council to place a Appeals. The “out-of-cycle” variation provides particular zoning classification on the Public Works Design Manual: Prepared by for expedited scheduling of the Board of particular property. the Department of Public Works, the manual Appeals’ hearing and decision. This option is details guidelines for water, sewerage and storm set in motion if the Planning Board agrees to The Department of Planning may initiate a drainage facilities, roads and public buildings. certify that a quicker decision “is manifestly petition on its own if it discovers a technical required in the public interest or because of error in the zoning map. Comprehensive Manual of Development emergency” and if the County Council also Policies: Prepared by the Department of Plan- approves the certification. ning, the manual illustrates zoning requirements The Baltimore County Code and provides design guidelines for a variety of Zoning Map Correction development types. The Baltimore County Code provides the legal If the official zoning map contains technical framework from which the zoning regulations Landscape Manual: Prepared by the Depart- drafting errors, the zoning can be amended are derived, and details the processes that ment of Planning, the manual contains require- upon a certification by the Director of Planning govern its amendment. It also contains the ments for the planting of landscape material and that the map does not accurately reflect the final county’s Development Regulations which lighting. zoning classification imposed by the Council describe the processes that the county during a previous comprehensive zoning follows to review and approve a plan to make Local Open Space Manual: Prepared by the process. The Department files a petition to improvements on a property. Department of Recreation and Parks and the change the zoning map with the County Board Department of Planning, requirements for the of Appeals. The petition is based on one of the The code provides a number of other regula- provision of local open space in urban, residen- following: tions that may impact the development of tial development are detailed. property concerning land preservation, historic ● A technical drafting error made by the preservation, and environmental protection, Department of Planning when transferring among others. It establishes special develop- the County Council’s enacted zoning class- ment review areas, such as historic districts and ification to the comprehensive zoning map. design review panel areas.

10 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County An Introduction to Land Use Regulations

The Role of the Master Plan

The Baltimore County Master Plan establishes the land use policies upon which zoning and other land use regulations are based. It is a guide, rather than a regulation, and is intended to be general and flexible. It does have legal authority, however. Development that is incon- sistent with the master plan can be subject to legal recourse.

Community plans are enacted by County Coun- cil as amendments to the master plan. These plans provide more specific guidance for land use related matters within a neighborhood or area of the county. Some zoning regulations are based on the specific needs of a community, as expressed in their plan.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 11 Rural Zones

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 13 Resource Conservation Zones Comparison Chart

RC-2 RC-3 RC-4 RC-5 RC-6 RC-7 RC-8 RC-20 RC-50 RCC Agricultural Deferral of Watershed Rural Rural Resource Environ- Critical Area Critical Area Resource Protection Planning and Protection Residential Conservation Preservation mental Agricultural Conservation, Development and Enhancement Commercial Residential Purpose To foster and To defer To protect the To provide Greater To protect To protect To protect the To protect water To provide protect agricul- substantial watersheds for residential protection cultural, reservoir natural re- quality consis- small areas ture development of the three development for resource historical, rec- watersheds sources of the tent with the of commercial pending future regional reser- in appropriate areas reational and and extensive Chesapeake Chesapeake development planning and voirs rural areas environmental natural areas Bay Critical Bay Critical for rural needs utilities resources Area Area

Permitted Preferred use Agriculture; Agriculture; Low density Agriculture; Agriculture; Agriculture; Agriculture Agriculture Agricultural - Uses agriculture; lim- low density low density residential; low density low density low density Aquaculture; Aquaculture; related retail, ited residential residential residential agriculture residential residential residential low density low density general retail, development uses residential; fish residential; fish office, and ser- & wildlife pres- & wildlife pres- vice use. ervation ervation Special Antique shop, Animal board- Antique shop, Antique shop, Antique shop, Antique shop, Antique shop, Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural Exceptions animal board- ing, camp, church, golf golf course bed and bed and bed and support ser- support ser- machine repair, ing, church, farm market, course breakfast, breakfast, breakfast, vices, specific vices, specific landscape ser- farm market golf course camp, golf winery winery recreational recreational vice operations course uses uses Lot Area 1 acre (min.) 1 acre (min.) 3 acres (min.), 1.5 acres 1 acre (min.) 1 acre (min.) 3 acres (min.) Clustering en- Clustering en- 2 acres (max.) or 1 acre for (min.) 1.5 acres couraged4 couraged4 clustered (max.) subdivisions Maximum For a lot of re- Maximum tract Maximum tract Maximum tract Maximum tract Maximum Maximum A lot of record A lot of record Gross floor Number of cord between 2 density: 0.3 density: 0.2 density 0.5 density: 0.2 lot density: 0.04 density: 0.02 with a gross with gross area area of all Lots and/or and 100 acres: units per acre dwelling units dwellings per per acre lot per acre lot per acre area of 20 or between 20 and proposed build- Maximum 2 lots; lot of per acre; a acre for tracts ≥50 for tracts ≥51 more acres may 100 acres may ings on the Density record over Minimum tract between Primary and acres acres3 be subdivided be subdivided lot shall not 100 acres: one diametral di- 6 and 10 acres secondary at a rate of 1 once if the aver- exceed 3000 lot for each 50 mension1: may be sub- conservancy Tracts <50 lot for each 20 age density is square feet acres of gross 150 feet divided into 2 areas are re- acres cannot acres at least 1 unit area lots total2 quired be subdivided per 20 acres5

1 Diametral dimension is the diameter of the largest circle that may be inscribed within a lot 2 Rural clustering standards apply to development of tracts more than 10 acres, unless an alternative, non-clustering development alternative is followed at a density of 0.1 dwelling units per acre. 3 Maximum number of lots for tracts ≤10 acres is one; 10 to 30 acres is two; 30 to 50 acres is three 4 Will be determined in accordance with the county health and Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability regulations. 5 A lot of record over 100 acres may be subdivided at a rate of 1 lot per 50 acres

14 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County RC-2 Agriculture

Intent: To foster conditions favorable to a continued agricultural use of the productive Height and Area Requirements B agricultural areas of Baltimore County by preventing incompatible forms and degrees of urban uses. Minimum front setback A 75 feet from centerline of road C C Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Farm, farmette, single-family detached dwelling, farmer’s roadside stand, tenant house. B Minimum rear setback 35 feet Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: Minimum side setback 35 feet C A Antique shop, animal boarding place, church, farm market, landscape operation, agricultural support uses. E Maximum building height 35 feet Note: The minimum lot size is one acre.


Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 15 RC-3 Deferral of Planning and Development

Intent: To prevent inappropriate, sprawling development in areas which are presently Height and Area Requirements rural, but where urban development may be B D appropriate in the future. Detailed planning for Minimum front setback future development must be deferred. A 75 feet from centerline of road* Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Single- B Minimum rear setback 50 feet family detached dwelling, farm, farmette, C C church. C Minimum side setback 25 feet

Typical Uses Permitted by Special Minimum diametral D 150 feet Exception: Farm market, golf course/country A dimension club, professional office, camp, animal boarding place. E Maximum building height 35 feet

*50 feet minimum from future right-of-way line Notes: ●● The RC-3 classification may be applied only to land that lies beyond the Urban- Rural Demarcation Line (URDL). ●● The minimum lot size is one acre.


16 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County RC-4 Watershed Protection

Intent: To protect metropolitan Baltimore’s Height and Area Requirements public water supply by preventing contamination through unsuitable types Minimum front setback from or levels of development in the reservoir A 25 feet B public road right-of-way1 watersheds.

B Minimum rear setback 25 feet RC-2 Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Single- C D zone or Reservoir family detached dwelling, farm. C Minimum side setback 25 feet Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: Minimum setback from D 100 feet Antique shop, church, golf course/country club, RC-2 or reservoir property 2 A landscape operation. E Maximum building height 35 feet Notes: 1 35 feet from the edge of a private road ●● The RC-4 zone has explicit criteria that 2 50 feet from a Conservancy Area in agricultural use must be met to apply for a reclassification, including proximity of the parcel to a reservoir or contributing stream. ●● Residential development in the RC-4 zone requires clustering of the dwelling units to allow a conservancy area of at least 70% of the tract. The conservancy area includes the site’s sensitive environmental features E and may contain one single family dwelling. Overall permitted density is 0.20 dwellings per acre, with a minimum lot size of 1 acre. ●● An alternative, non-clustering development option is available at a permitted density of 0.10 dwellings per acre, with a minimum lot size of 3 acres. The development plan must be approved by the Planning Board.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 17 RC-5 Rural Residential

Intent: To provide for rural residential development in areas of Baltimore County Height and Area Requirements where public water and sewer are not RC-5 anticipated. It is intended that the placement of B Minimum front setback to

the zone will help eliminate encroachment onto RC-2 or RC-7 A Varies* centerline of road productive agricultural and watershed areas. B Minimum rear setback 50 feet Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Single- C D family dwelling, farm, school. C Minimum side setback 50 feet

Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: Minimum side setback to D 150 feet Antique shop, golf course/country club. A RC-2 or RC-7 zone line

Notes: E Maximum building height 35 feet ●● Subject to performance standards that include site plan and architectural review * Varies according to type of road for quality of design and reflection of rural character. (The Back River Neck District is excluded from this RC-5 requirement.) ●● The minimum lot size is 1 1/2 acre.


18 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County RC-6 Rural Conservation and Residential

Intent: To provide greater resource protection Height and Area Requirements through recorded covenants, easem*nts and the establishment of certain development areas and performance standards. A Minimum front setback 25 feet* B B Minimum rear setback 50 feet Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Single- family detached dwelling, farm, church with Minimum side setback C 80 feet less than 10% impervious area, roadside stand. from a principal building C D Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: Minimum side setback Antique shop, bed and breakfast subject to D from a cultivated field or 200 feet A pasture conditions, animal boarding place, winery, golf course, church with more than 10% impervious E Maximum building height 50 feet area, landscape service operation.

* 35 feet minimum from edge of private road Notes: ●● This zoning classification requires primary and secondary conservancy areas. Development has a maximum density of 0.2 lot per acre of the “density calculation area.” There are also conditions addressing visual impacts and performance standards. ●● In addition, the Baltimore County Code provides specific requirements for the zone E (Section 32-4-251). ●● Subject to performance standards that include site plan and architectural review to ensure preservation of natural resources and rural character. ●● The minimum lot size is one acre; the maximum lot size is three acres.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 19 RC-7 Resource Preservation

Intent: To protect and preserve valuable cultural, historical, recreational and Height and Area Requirements environmental resources through a low density rural zone. A Minimum front setback 35 feet*

Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Single- B B Minimum rear setback 50 feet family detached dwelling, farm, farm roadside stand. Minimum side setback C 80 feet

from a principal building Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: S C D Minimum side setback Antique shop, bed and breakfast, winery, D from a cultivated field or 300 feet church (see note below). A pasture

Notes: E Maximum building height 35 feet ●● Churches are permitted on property that was appropriately zoned before being zoned * 35 feet minimum from edge of private road RC-7. ●● This zone may not be applied to current RC-2 zoned land. ●● Maximum tract density is 0.04 lots per acre (one lot/25 acres). Tracts less than 50 acres cannot be subdivided. The minimum lot size is one acre. ●● Subject to performance standards that include site plan and architectural review to E ensure preservation of natural resources and rural character.

20 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County RC-8 Environmental Enhancement

Intent: To protect forests, reservoir watersheds Height and Area Requirements and extensive natural areas.

Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Farm, Minimum front setback 35 feet* A single family detached dwelling, school. B Minimum rear setback 50 feet B Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: Minimum side setback Antique shop, bed and breakfast, winery,

C 80 feet

from a principal building church (see note below). S Minimum side setback C D D from a cultivated field or 300 feet Notes: pasture A ●● Churches are permitted on property that was appropriately zoned before being zoned E Maximum building height 35 feet RC-8. ●● This zone may not be applied to current * 35 feet minimum from edge of private road RC-2 or RC-7 zoned land. ●● The maximum number of lots for tracts less than 51 acres is: one lot for tracts 10 acres or less; two lots for tracts between 10 and 30 acres, and three lots for tracts 30 to 50 acres. For tracts of 51 or more acres, 3 lots for the first 50 acres, and a maximum density of 0.02 lots per acre for the remaining acreage. The minimum lot size is three acres. E ●● Subject to performance standards that include site plan and architectural review to ensure preservation of natural resources and rural character.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 21 RC-20 Critical Area

Intent: To meet the criteria of the Critical Area Law as approved by the Chesapeake Height and Area Requirements Bay Critical Area Commission for protecting B water quality, natural habitats, and wildlife populations. A Minimum front setback *

Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Single- C C B Minimum rear setback * family dwelling, fish and wildlife preserve, agriculture, aquaculture. C Minimum side setback * Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: Wildlife propagation, farm market, A E Maximum building height 35 feet nursery, commercial water-dependent facility, agricultural support. * Setbacks will be determined in accordance with the county health and Department of Environmental Protection and Notes: Sustainability regulations. ●● The minimum lot size will be determined in accordance with the county health and Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability regulations. ●● Clustering is preferred.


22 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County RC-50 Critical Area, Agriculture

Intent: To meet the criteria of the Critical Area Law as approved by the Chesapeake Height and Area Requirements B Bay Critical Area Commission by protecting water quality, natural habitats, and wildlife Minimum front setback to populations. A 75 feet centerline of road C C Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Single- family dwelling, fish and wildlife preserve, B Minimum rear setback 35 feet agriculture, aquaculture.

Typical Uses Permitted by Special C Minimum side setback 35 feet A Exception: Wildlife propagation, farm market, nursery, commercial water-dependent facility, E agricultural support. Maximum building height 35 feet Notes: ●● The minimum lot size will be determined in accordance with the county health and Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability regulations. ●● Clustering is preferred.


Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 23 RCC Rural Commercial

Intent: To provide a limited range of commercial development in the rural areas, but at a scale and intensity appropriate for the rural B Height and Area Requirements setting.

Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Minimum front setback 15 feet Agriculturally related retail, office and C C A service use, farm market, bank, garden center, restaurant/tavern, retail establishments, barber B Minimum rear setback 15 feet and beauty shop, bed and breakfast.

Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: C Minimum side setback 15 feet Agricultural machinery repair, limited A accessory uses, landscape service operation. Maximum building height 30 feet E Notes: ●● The RCC zone has special requirements related to outside storage, signs, display of goods, and the relationship of new buildings to the surrounding neighborhoods. ●● The maximum lot size is two acres. ●● The maximum lot coverage is 20% ●● The floor area of all buildings is restricted to 3,000 square feet.


24 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Residential Zones

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 25 Urban Residential Zones

Residential development is permitted in all of the county’s zoning classifications except for the manufacturing zones.

The DR, Density Residential Zones permit a variety of housing types at low to moderately high density levels. Some nonresidential uses are also permitted in the DR zones, such as schools and churches.

The RAE Residential Apartment, Elevator zones permit high density residential, along with a limited amount of office and retail. Buildings in RAE zones are not required to include nonresidential uses, but because of their intended mixed use nature, the RAE zones are located in the Business Zone section of the BCZR. However, since the zones require a residential component, they are included in this section of the guide.

26 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County DR Density Residential

Intent: To foster a greater variety of Permitted Density: housing types meeting the needs of different DR-1: 1 dwelling unit/acre housing market requirements; to allow more DR-2: 2 dwelling units/acre preservation of natural features and induce the DR-3.5: 3.5 dwelling units/acre reservation of better open space; to provide DR-5.5: 5.5 dwelling units/acre greater certainty about dwelling types and DR-10.5: 10.5 dwelling units/acre densities within existing communities with the DR-16: 16 density* units/acre goal of conserving and maintaining these areas. *Density Units (DU): Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Efficiency...... 0.50 DU DR 1, DR 2, DR 3.5: Single family, semi- One bedroom...... 0.75 DU Two bedroom...... 1.00 DU detached, and duplex allowed in each zone. Three or more bedrooms...... 1.50 DU Assisted living facility bedroom...... 0.25 DU DR 5.5: single family, semi-detached, and duplex allowed; single family attached and Additional Regulations Affecting Develop- multifamily with compatibility finding. ment in DR Zones: • A minimum lot width and lot area is DR 10.5, DR 16: single family, semi-detached, required for subdivisions of five lots or less, duplex, single family attached and multifamily based on the property’s zoning designation. allowed in each zone. • Panhandle Lots: Under certain conditions, three to five lots may be arranged to share a Other: Churches, hospitals, family child care, single private driveway. assisted living (Class A). • Alternate Housing Types: Higher density single family detached housing types may Typical Uses Permitted by Special Ex- be allowed under certain situations. These ception: Convalescent homes, community housing types include Zero Lot Line, Zip- buildings, Class B (up to 40 children) group per Lot, and Traditional with rear garages/ child care, assisted living facilities (Class B, parking. new or modified building), professional of- • Residential Transition Area buffers are fices in the home (max. 25% of floor area). required between lower and higher density unit types.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 27 Comparison of Density Residential Zones Housing Types and Setbacks

Single Family Detached, Alternative Site Design Single Family Attached Multi-Family Semi-Detached, Duplex Single Family Detached (Group Houses, Townhouses) DR 1, DR 3.5, 5.5, Zero and Neo-Traditional DR 3.5, 5.5, DR 3.5, 5.5, DR 2 10.5, 16 Zipper Lots 10.5, 16 10.5, 16 Minimum front 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 10 feet 25 feet for units with front- 25 feet to public right- building to public loaded garages, of-way, 40 feet to tract street right-of- 13 feet for units fronting boundary, way or property perpendicular parking, 60 feet between building line 10 or 15 feet for units fronts fronting parallel parking Minimum rear 30 feet 30 feet 20 feet 50 feet 30 feet, 40 feet, setback 60 feet between 60 feet between building condominium units rears Minimum 30 feet 16 feet when 16 feet 12 feet 20 or 25 feet 1 foot for each foot in building side to less than 20 building height to the building side feet high, soffit, but not less than otherwise 20 30 feet feet Minimum side 25 feet 15 feet 15 feet 10 feet 25 feet, 30 feet to tract 30 feet to tract boundary setback to public boundary street or tract boundary Maximum 50 feet 50 feet, 50 feet, 50 feet, 50 feet, 50 feet, building height 60 feet in 60 feet in 60 feet in 60 feet in DR 16 60 feet in DR 16 DR 16 DR 16 DR 16

28 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Single Family Detached, Semi-detached, Duplex

All of the DR zones permit single family Height and Area Requirements B detached and two-family housing units. The minimum building setbacks are the same in DR A Minimum front setback 25 feet 1 and 2, and in DR 3.5, 5.5, 10.5 and 16. B Minimum rear setback 30 feet Minimum side setback to There are no minimum lot sizes required for C public street right-of-way 15 feet1 new subdivisions yielding more than 6 lots. or tract boundary For small subdivisions yielding 6 lots or less, a C D minimum lot size is required, based on zoning Minimum building side to 16 feet2 designation. Minimum setback requirements D building side also vary by zoning. A E Maximum building height 50 feet3 1 In DR 1 and DR 2, 25 feet. 2 When less than 20 feet high, otherwise 20 feet; 30 feet in DR 1 and DR 2. 3 In DR 16, 60 feet.


Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 29 Single Family Attached (Group Houses, Townhouses)

1 Minimum front setback: Height and Area Requirements For Front Loaded Garage Units 25 feet For Units Fronting on Perpendicular Parking 13 feet B For Units Fronting on Parallel Parking 15 feet A Minimum front setback Varies1 C D 2 For building heights greater than 20 feet, the side B Minimum rear setback 30 feet setback is 20 feet.

A Minimum side setback to 16 feet2 C public street right-of-way

A Minimum building side to 25 feet D building side

C D B 50 feet, E Maximum building height 60 feet in DR-16


30 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Multifamily

Height and Area Requirements

Minimum building face to A 25 feet B public street right-of-way

Minimum front or rear 40 feet B setback to tract boundary A C1 D Minimum building face C2 C1 to building face (front or 60 feet rear) A Minimum building side to C2 30 feet1 building side

Minimum building side to D 30 feet tract boundary

50 feet, E Maximum building height 60 feet in DR-16

1 Alternatively, one foot for each foot in building height to the soffit, whichever is more.


Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 31 Neo-Traditional Single Family Detached

Height and Area Requirements

A Minimum front setback 10 feet

B B Minimum rear setback 30 feet

Minimum side setback to 10 feet C public street right-of-way D Minimum building side to C D 12 feet building side A 50 feet, E Maximum building height 60 feet in DR-16


32 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Non-Residential Building in a DR Zone

Height and Area Requirements

DR DR 1 DR 2 DR 3.5 DR 5.5 DR 16 B 10.5

A Minimum front setback 70 feet 60 feet 50 feet 40 feet 25 feet 30 feet C D B Minimum rear setback 50 feet 40 feet 30 feet 30 feet 50 feet 30 feet

C Corner side yard 65 feet 50 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 25 feet A

D Interior side yard 40 feet 30 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 25 feet

E Maximum building height 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet 50 feet 60 feet


Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 33 RAE Residential Zones


Purpose To provide for development of elevator apartments To provide for development of elevator apartments at relatively easily accessible to adequate community or town center high density situated close to the major commercial and cultural commercial facilities, especially by walking. centers where ample public facilities are available. Locational Within 1,000 feet of a CCC District or within a town center Within a town center Requirements Uses Permitted • Apartment buildings • Apartment buildings by Right • Offices in an apartment building of 25 units or more • Offices in an apartment building of 25 units or more • Retail/service uses (not to exceed 5% of gross floor • Retail/service uses (not to exceed 5% of the gross floor area area) of the building) • Office/retail/services uses not to exceed 10% of gross • Office/retail/services uses not to exceed 25% of gross floor floor area) area) • Elderly housing • Elderly housing Uses Permitted None • Offices in buildings containing less than 25 dwellings by Special • Offices totaling more than 25% of the floor area in an apart- Exception ment building Density 40 density units per acre 80 density units per acre

Minimum • 90 feet from the centerline of any street, 45 feet from • 60 feet from the centerline of any street, 15 feet from the Setback any lot line street line Requirements • 75 feet between facing apartment windows • 15 feet from any property line other than a street if less than 40’ in height, otherwise 30 feet • 75 feet between facing apartment windows Height and Width • 85 feet maximum height, 52 feet minimum height • 1 ½ times the maximum height allowed in BL Requirements • For buildings 7 or more stories, maximum width is 3 • Maximum width is 2½ times the average height times the average height

34 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County RAE-1 Residence, Apartment, Elevator

Intent: To provide for the development of Height and Area Requirements elevator apartment buildings at moderate density (40 density units per acre) situated Minimum setback near adequate community or town center A from the centerline of 90 feet commercial facilities; to be placed in order to B any public street avoid undue congestion and to encourage the best possible building designs and site planning. Minimum setback B 45 feet from any lot line Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Apartment C building, office in apartment buildings of 25 Minimum distance units or more, retail/service uses (no more than C between apartment 75 feet windows 5% of the floor area of the building).

52 feet min., A Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: D Building height 85 feet max. None.

Notes: RAE-1 must be entirely located within 1000 feet of a CCC district or within a town center.


Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 35 RAE-2 Residence, Apartment, Elevator

Intent: To provide for the development of elevator apartment buildings at relatively Height and Area Requirements high density (80 density units per acre) Minimum setback situated close to major commercial and A from the centerline 60 feet cultural centers where ample utilities and B of any public street other public facilities are available. Minimum setback B 15 feet* from any lot line Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Minimum distance C Apartment building, office in apartment C between apartment 75 feet buildings of 25 units or more, retail/service windows uses in a building of 50 units or more (may Maximum building 11/2 times that D not exceed 25% of floor area). height of the BL zone A *If the building is 40 feet or greater in height, minimum Typical Uses Permitted by Special setback from any lot line that is not a street is 30 feet. Exception: Office in buildings containing less than 25 units, office accounting for more than 25% of the floor area in an apartment building.

Notes: RAE-2 must be located within a designated D town center.

36 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Office Zones

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 37 Office Zones

R-O-A R-O OR-1 OR-2 O-3 O-T S-E Purpose/ Class A1 office Class A1 office Class A1 and Class Class A1 and Class Office park (no Major office and Office, business permitted building, church, building, church, B2 office with or B2 office with or residential or high technology service, low use hospital, school hospital, school without limited without limited elderly housing development and impact industrial accessory retail, accessory retail, is permitted) manufacturing, use, compatible residential at 5.5 residential at 10.5 residential, limited with residential dwelling units/acre dwelling units/acre accessory retail development Use Convalescent Class B2 Convalescent Convalescent Convalescent Warehouses, if 60% Medical offices, permitted home, office building, home, additional home, hotel, home, hotel, or less of gross floor clinics, off-site by special community convalescent limited health club health club area, commercial catering, light exception building home, community commercial uses recreation facility manufacturing, building health club Minimum As exists Class B: lesser Class B: Same as Class B: Same as OR-2 Min. setback from Min. setback from front of 25 feet or the OR-2 Min. setback from any street line: 50 any street line: 35 setback average of the any street line: 35 feet feet or the average adjacent structures feet of the adjacent structures, if less Minimum As exists Class B: 30 feet Min. setback Min. setback from rear setback from any lot line: any lot line: 50 feet, Minimum As exists Class B: 10 feet; 20 feet or equal or 150 feet from an Min. setback from side 20 feet from to the building abutting RC, DR-1, any lot line: 20 feet, setback adjacent residential height, whichever 2, 3.5, 5.5, or 10.5 or 50 feet if adjacent zone or use is greater3 zoning line lot is in a residential zone Maximum As exists Class B: 0.33 Same as OR-2 Class B: 0.50 Same as OR-2 None (30,000 sq. 0.50 floor area ft. minimum net lot ratio area) Maximum As exists Class B: 35 feet Class B: Subject Class B: Subject Same as OR-2 60 feet; 150 feet 2 stories, but not building to a compatibility to a compatibility when in or within more than 35 feet height finding but limited finding 3,000 feet of a to 60 feet town center; 52 feet minimum height for a residential building 1 A Class A office building is an existing detached residential structure converted to office use. Height and area requirements are the same as the existing structure. 2 A Class B office building is any structure that is used for office purposes but is not a Class A office building. 3 Or, if adjacent to a residential or R-O zone, two times the height of the building, whichever is greater.

38 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County R-O-A Residential Office, Class A

Intent: To accommodate single-family, duplex Height and Area Requirements B and two-family detached houses converted to office buildings in predominantly residential areas on sites that, because of adjacent A Minimum front setback As exists nonresidential activity, heavy commercial traffic or other similar factors, can no longer Minimum rear setback As exists B reasonably be limited to uses allowable in moderate-density residential zones. Minimum side setback to C D C public street right-of-way As exists or tract boundary Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses permitted by right in DR-3.5, Class A office Minimum building side to A building. D As exists building side Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: E Maximum building height As exists Uses permitted by special exception in DR-3.5.


●● Maintaining a residential character is the key consideration of the R-O-A zone. ●● Parking must be located in the side or rear yard of the lot.


Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 39 R-O Residential Office

Intent: To accommodate houses converted to office buildings and small Class B office Height and Area Requirements for buildings in predominantly residential areas Class B Office Buildings B on sites that, because of adjacent commercial activity, heavy commercial traffic, or other A Minimum front setback 25 feet* similar factors, can no longer reasonably be restricted to uses allowable in moderate-density B Minimum rear setback 30 feet D residential zones. C Minimum side setback C 10 feet (interior or corner) Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses permitted by right in DR-5.5, Class A office Minimum side setback to 20 feet building. D residential use or zone A Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: E Maximum building height 35 feet Uses permitted by special exception in DR-5.5, Class B office building. *Or average of adjacent buildings, if less

Notes: ●● No more than 25% of the adjusted gross floor area of a Class A or Class B office building may be occupied by medical offices. ●● To the extent possible, parking must be located in the side or rear yard of the lot. E

40 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County OR-1 Office Building - Residential

Intent: To provide selectively for development Height and Area Requirements for of office buildings with supportive accessory Residential or R-O-A Class B Office Buildings commercial uses or residential development to OR-1 Minimum setback from the density of DR-5.5; as well as mixed office/ A 35 feet any street line C residential development. Minimum setback from B 20 feet1 Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses any lot line permitted by right in DR-5.5, Class A and B Minimum setback from B office buildings, limited accessory retail and C any lot line if adjacent to a 20 feet2 service uses within Class B office buildings. residential or R-O-A zone Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: D Maximum building height 60 feet A Uses permitted by special exception in DR-5.5, 1 Or equal to the building height, whichever is greater additional accessory commercial uses. 2 Or equal to two times the building height, whichever is greater Notes: ●● The O-1 zone was modified in 1994 to OR-1 to include residential uses. It is not intended to be applied to properties through rezoning processes. ●● When developed with uses permitted in DR-5.5, the Residential Transition Area (RTA) requirements apply.


Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 41 OR-2 Office Building - Residential

Intent: To provide selectively for the Height and Area Requirements for development of office buildings with Residential or R-O-A Class B Office Buildings supportive accessory commercial uses or OR-2 Minimum setback from residential development to the density of DR- A 35 feet 10.5; may also allow mixed office/residential C any street line development. Minimum setback from 20 feet1 B any lot line Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses B Minimum setback from permitted by right in DR-10.5, Class A and B C any lot line adjacent to a 20 feet2 office buildings, accessory uses related to the residential or R-O-A zone principal use in a building such as restaurant, Subject to bank, or conference facility. D Maximum building height A compatibility Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: 1 Or equal to the building height, whichever is greater 2 Hotel, health club, parking structure. Or equal to two times the building height, whichever is greater Notes: ●● When developed with uses permitted in DR-10.5, the Residential Transitional Area (RTA) requirements apply.


42 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County O-3 Office Park

Intent: To provide solely for office buildings Height and Area Requirements for with no residential development allowed. Class B Office Buildings Residential or R-O-A O-3 Minimum setback from Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses A 35 feet any street line C permitted by right in OR-2, except dwellings Minimum setback from and elderly housing facilities are prohibited. 20 feet1 B any lot line Minimum setback from Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: B C any lot line adjacent to a 20 feet2 Uses permitted by special exception and residential or R-O-A zone supplementary use regulations of OR-2, except dwellings and elderly housing facilities are Subject to D Maximum building height prohibited. compatibility A 1 Or equal to the building height, whichever is greater Notes: 2 Or equal to two times the building height, whichever ●● Performance standards are the same as is greater OR-2.


Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 43 O-T Office and Technology

Intent: To encourage the development of employment and residential centers consisting Height and Area Requirements of employment-intensive office developments RC or DR zone (except DR 16) in combination with certain high technology O-T Minimum setback from 50 feet and residential developments. A any street line C Minimum setback from Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Office, B 50 feet any lot line trade school, college, hospital, hotel, research institute, light manufacturing and assembly Minimum setback from services, small attached warehouse. A B any lot line abutting a RC C 150 feet or DR (except DR 16) Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: zone A Warehouse, if less than 60% of gross floor 60 feet (52 area; commercial recreation facility within the D Maximum building height feet min. for growth area boundary. residential)

Notes: ●● The OT zone may be located only in areas of high accessibility or in proximity to a town center, or in areas which provide opportunity for employment-intensive development.


44 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County S-E Service Employment

Intent: To encourage development of general Height and Area Requirements Residential zone offices, business service uses, and small, low impact, light industrial uses which will be B SE Minimum setback from highly compatible with residential uses. A 35 feet any street line Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Light Minimum setback from A C manufacturing and assembly, trade school, B any lot line adjacent lot is 50 feet laboratory, business and professional office, in a residential zone printing, contractor’s office.

Minimum setback from Typical Uses Permitted by Special C 20 feet any lot line Exception: Medical office and clinic, A catering establishment, health club, primary 2 stories, manufacturing for uses permitted by right. Maximum building height D 35 feet Notes: ●● SE sites must have direct access to an arterial road and the buildable area must provide enough area to screen truck parking, dumpster and loading areas. ●● The SE zone has a long list of uses which are not permitted in any form. ●● Detailed performance standards are intended to ensure a high quality environment to achieve compatibility with D residential uses. ●● The minimum lot size is two acres, and the minimum lot width is 150 feet, excluding public utility uses.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 45 Business Zones

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 47 Business Zones

CB BLR BL BM BR BMM BMB BMYC Permitted Retail, service Permitted Retail, service, Uses Uses Marinas Uses Yacht club Uses and restaurant uses in CB, bank, tavern, food permitted permitted and water- permitted in community (except fast fast food, store, medical in BL plus in BM plus oriented BMM, boat bldg., out food and tavern, clinic service kennel, land uses in yards, water- of water tavern) athletic garage, greenhouse, scale with the oriented storage club theater, printing surrounding uses facility-Class warehouse community A Minimum 25 feet, or Same as 10 feet from the 15 feet from 25 feet from Same as BM Same as Same as Front average of ad- CB zone front property line front property front property zone BMM zone BMM zone Setback jacent buildings and 40 feet from line; 40 feet line; 50 feet within 100 feet, the street center from the from the whichever is line1 street center street center less line1 line,3 Minimum Same as for Same as None, except 20 Same as BL 30 feet1 Same as BM Same as Same as Rear side setbacks CB zone feet when abutting zone zone BMM zone BMM zone Setback a residential zone Minimum 20 feet from Same as Interior lots: None Same as BL 30 feet1 Same as BM Same as Same as Side property line CB zone Corner lots: 10 zone zone BMM zone BMM zone Setback of residentially feet on the street zoned land, side1,2 otherwise 10 feet Max. Floor 0.33 0.33 3.0 4.0 2.0 0.33 0.33 0.33 Area Ratio Maximum 2 stories and Same as Subject to height Same as BL Same as BL Same as BM Same as Same as Building not more than CB zone tent regulations zone zone zone except BMM zone BMM zone Height 35 feet 40 feet max. 1 For non-residential buildings 2 Unless adjoining a residential zone, then the same as the dwelling setback 3 Except when fronting on a dual highway, then 50 feet from the property line

48 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County CB Community Business

Intent: To allow commercial development that Residential zone Height and Area Requirements serves the daily shopping and service needs of CB B nearby residents. A Minimum front setback 25 feet Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Basic retail Minimum rear or side and service operations including food store, B setback to residentially- 20 feet C B office, convenience store, restaurant (standard zoned property and carry-out), dry cleaner, beauty salon, elderly housing facility. Minimum rear or side setback to non- Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: C 10 feet residentially zoned Bank with no more than two drive through property A lanes. Maximum building 35 feet; D height 2 stories Notes: ●● The CB zone is highly restrictive and is anticipated to be used primarily on small parcels of land. ●● Stringent performance standards are designed to create quality commercial development that is compatible with nearby residential uses.


Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 49 BLR Business Local Restricted

Intent: To allow high quality commercial Residential zone development that is compatible with nearby BLR B Height and Area Requirements residential uses. A Minimum front setback 25 feet Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses Minimum rear or side permitted in CB, bank, fast food restaurant, C B B setback to residentially- 10 feet tavern, health and athletic club. zoned property

Typical Uses Permitted by Special Minimum rear or side setback to non- Exception: Arcade, bowling alley, 20 feet C residentially zoned miniature golf, batting range. A property

Notes: Maximum building 35 feet; ●● The BLR zone is more restrictive than BL, D height 2 stories BM, and BR zones and is anticipated to be used on larger parcels of land than the CB zone. ●● The performance standards are the same as for the CB zone.


50 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County BL Business Local

Intent: No intent statement in the regulations. Height and Area Requirements1 Minimum front setback B D Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Retail A1 10 feet to front property line sales, personal services, restaurant, bank, office, Minimum front setback from tavern, food store, medical clinic. A2 40 feet C street centerline Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: 2 B Minimum rear setback None Arcade, car wash, service garage, hotel/motel, C Minimum corner side setback 10 feet funeral establishment, golf course, driving range, animal boarding place Class A, theater, Minimum interior side None2 retail business in a structure more than 80,000 D setback A1 square feet meeting certain conditions. 40 feet A2 E Maximum building height + H.T.3 1 For non-residential buildings 2 When not abutting a residential zone 3 Height tent up to 100 feet


Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 51 BM Business Major

Intent: No intent statement in the Height and Area Requirements1 regulations. B D Minimum front setback A1 10 feet Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses to front property line permitted in BL, service garage, hotel/ C Minimum front setback from A2 40 feet motel, theater, warehouse, automobile sales, street centerline night club. B Minimum rear setback None2

Typical Uses Permitted by Special C Minimum corner side setback 10 feet Minimum interior side Exception: Arcade, car wash, bus terminal, D None2 striptease business. setback A1 A2 40 feet E Maximum building height + H.T.3 1 For non-residential buildings 2 When not abutting a residential zone 3 Height tent up to 100 feet


52 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County BR Business Roadside

Intent: No intent statement in the 1 Height and Area Requirements regulations. B A Minimum front setback 25 feet2 Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses permitted in BM, kennel, greenhouse, B Minimum rear setback 30 feet C C lumber yard, printing company, brewery, hotel/motel. C Minimum side setback 30 feet Typical Uses Permitted by Special 40 feet Exception: Contractor’s equipment storage E Maximum building height + H.T.3 A yard, truck stop, airport, landfill, trailer

1 For non-residential buildings park, shooting range, striptease business, 2 50 feet from the street center line, except when fronting on used motor vehicle outdoors sales separated a dual highway, then 50 feet from the property line 3 Height tent up to 100 feet from a sales agency building.


Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 53 BMM Business Maritime Marina

Intent: To accommodate water-dependent 1 facilities and associated uses at a scale that is Height and Area Requirements in keeping with the surrounding residential Minimum front setback B A1 15 feet community. to front property line Minimum front setback from Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Marina, C D A2 40 feet retail sales or rental of marine-related street centerline goods, out-of-water storage facility Class A, B Minimum rear setback None commercial fisheries facilities, restaurant (less C Minimum corner side setback 10 feet than 5,000 sq. ft.). Minimum interior side D None2 A1 setback Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: A2 Out-of-water storage facility Class B, restaurant E Maximum building height 40 feet (5,000 sq. ft. and more). 1 For non-residential buildings 2 Unless adjoining a residential zone, then the same as the Notes: dwelling setback ●● The BMM zone may only be mapped on parcels which abut tidal waters or which are contiguous to parcels abutting tidal waters and which are designated as intensely developed area (IDA) or limited development area (LDA). ●● Subject to Chesapeake Bay Critical Area regulations. ●● The residential and institutional uses allowed in DR 5.5 are permitted by right, E with the exception of any property located in the Bowleys Quarters District or the Lower Back River Neck District that is rezoned to BMM after August 1, 2008. ●● Subject to signage performance standards.

54 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County BMB Business Maritime Boatyard

Intent: To accommodate those water- 1 Height and Area Requirements dependent facilities and associated uses that are Minimum front setback of a more intense nature than the BMM zone. 15 feet B A1 to front property line Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses Minimum front setback from A2 40 feet C D permitted by right in BMM, boat yard, repair street centerline shop for engines, marina and fishing equipment. B Minimum rear setback None Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: C Minimum corner side setback 10 feet Uses permitted by special exception in BMM, Minimum interior side D None2 commercial beach, boat docking facility. setback A1 A2 E Maximum building height 40 feet Notes: 1 For non-residential buildings ●● The BMB zone may only be mapped 2 Unless adjoining a residential zone, then the same as the on parcels either abut tidal waters or dwelling setback are contiguous to parcels abutting tidal waters and which are designated as intensely developed area (IDA) or limited development area (LDA). ●● The BMB zone should not be mapped close to residential uses. ●● Subject to Chesapeake Bay Critical Area regulations. ●● The residential and institutional uses allowed in DR 5.5 are permitted by right, E with the exception of any property located in the Bowleys Quarters District or the Lower Back River Neck District that is rezoned to BMB after August 1, 2008. ●● Subject to signage performance standards.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 55 BMYC Business Maritime

Intent: To accommodate yacht club facilities and associated uses. Height and Area Requirements1 Minimum front setback B A1 15 feet Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Yacht club, to front property line area for food/drink for yacht club not to exceed Minimum front setback from 5,000 sq. ft., community bldg., swimming pool, C D A2 40 feet other civic/social uses associated with yacht street centerline club, out-of-water storage facility Class A for B Minimum rear setback None not more than 20 boats if lot is greater than ten Minimum corner side setback 10 feet acres. C Minimum interior side D None2 A1 setback Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: A2 Area for food/drink for yacht club exceeding E Maximum building height 40 feet 5,000 sq. ft. if lot is at least five acres. 1 For non-residential buildings 2 Unless adjoining a residential zone, then the same as the Notes: dwelling setback ●● Subject to Chesapeake Bay Critical Area regulations. ●● Residential and institutional uses (permitted and as limited in the adjacent residential zone) are permitted by right, with the exception of any property in the Bowleys Quarters District or the Lower Back River Neck District that is rezoned to BMYC after August 1, 2008. ●● Subject to signage and performance E standards.

56 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Manufacturing Zones

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 57 Manufacturing Zones

MLR MR ML MH Manufacturing, Light, Manufacturing, Restricted Manufacturing, Light1 Manufacturing, Heavy2 Restricted

Permitted Uses Limited manufacturing, of- Uses permitted in MR zone (ex- Industrial uses requiring as- Industrial uses requiring as- fice, warehouse, research cept heliport type II), car wash sembly, production, processing, sembly, production, processing, institute, laboratory, print- and fuel service stations in packaging, or treatment of vari- packaging, or treatment of vari- ing, medical clinic, bank planned industrial parks with IM ous elements; laboratories, of- ous elements, boat yard, labora- district fice, medical clinics; excavations tory, office, medical clinic, equip- not using explosives; equipment/ ment and material storage yard, material storage yards; heliports brewery, adult entertainment subject to locational criteria Minimum Front 75 feet3 40 feet, except 50 feet if located 25 feet, 50 feet from a street Same as ML Setback on a dual highway4 center line, except 50 feet from the front property line if on dual highway Minimum Rear 50 feet3 40 feet4 30 feet Same as ML Setback

Minimum Side 50 feet3 30 feet, with the sum of both 30 feet Same as ML Setback sides not less than 80 feet4

Maximum Floor 0.4 0.6 2.0 Same as ML Area Ratio Maximum Building Subject to height tent regu- 60 feet at the setback line, then Unlimited, except if within 100 Same as ML Height lations; 100 feet maximim sloping towards the interior of the feet of a business or residential property at a 45 degree angle zone, then 3 stories or 40 feet

1 When within 100 feet of an interstate highway or expressway, any residential zone or street right-of-way abutting a residential zone, the setbacks of the MR zone apply. In addition, only passenger car parking, uses permitted in the MR zone and mineral aggregate extraction are permitted. 2 When within 150 feet of an interstate highway or expressway, any residential zone or street right-of-way abutting a residential zone, the setbacks of the MR zone apply. In addition, only passenger car parking, uses permitted in the MR zone and mineral aggregate extraction are permitted. 3 A minimum of 125 feet from a building or structure to a residential zone line is requred. 4 A minimum of 100 feet from a building or structure to a residential zone line is requred, 70 feet to a RC 5 zone line, and 90 feet to a property line in a RC 5 zone.

58 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County MR Manufacturing, Restricted

Intent: To provide greater flexibility in se- Height and Area Requirements lecting industrial areas so as to protect uses in neighboring residential zones. B A Minimum front setback 75 feet Typical Uses Permitted by Right: B Limited manufacturing, office, warehouse, re- Minimum rear setback 50 feet C D search institute, laboratory, printing, medical clinic, bank. Minimum setback to C 125 feet residential zone line Residential Zone Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: None. D Minimum side setback 50 feet A Maximum building 40 feet + Notes: E height H.T.* ●● There is a special petition process to create and develop MR zoned land. * Height tent up to 100 feet ●● Development plan proposals are subject to Planning Board review. ●● No outside display or storage of products or materials of any kind is permitted in the front, side, or rear yards. ●● Dwellings are prohibited.


Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 59 MLR Manufacturing, Light, Restricted

Intent: To fulfill the locational needs of certain types of light industry and to create a transition- Height and Area Requirements al zone between residential or institutional areas B A Minimum front setback* 40 feet and ML and MH zones. B Minimum rear setback 40 feet Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses per- D Minimum setback to mitted in MR (except heliport type II), uses C C 100 feet residential zone line permitted and as limited in DR-1 (except kennel and animal boarding). 30 feet, with D Minimum side setback sum of both Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: 80 feet Automotive service station, heliport type II, A Modified Maximum building sanitary and rubble landfill. E height tent; height 60 feet max. Notes: ●● Hotels/motels may be permitted by right * 50 feet if on a dual highway when the MLR zone is part of a contigu- ous area of 25 acres or more of industrial zoning. ●● Banks, business and trade schools, and restaurants may be permitted by special exception when the MLR zone is part of a contiguous area of 25 acres or more of in- E dustrial zoning.

60 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County ML Manufacturing, Light

Intent: To provide areas for industrial uses 1 Height and Area Requirements that require assembling, compounding, manu- facturing, packaging or processing of goods or A1 Minimum front setback 25 feet2 B services. Minimum front setback A2 50 feet to centerline of street Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Industrial uses requiring assembly, production, B Minimum rear setback 30 feet C C processing, packaging, or treatment of various C Minimum side setback 30 feet elements, laboratory, office, medical clinic, ex- cavation not involving explosives, equipment 3 E Max. building height Unlimited and material storage yard, brewery. A1 1 When within 150 feet of an interstate highway or express- A2 way, or any residential zone or street right-of-way abutting Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: a residential zone, the setbacks of the MR zone apply. In addition, only passenger car parking, uses permitted in the Excavation using explosives, landfill, truck stop MR zone and mineral aggregate extraction are permitted and trucking facility. 2 50 feet if located on a dual highway 3 Except when abutting a residence or business zone, any Notes:

part of a building which is within 100 feet cannot exceed 3 ●● Various retail or service uses may be per-

stories or 40 feet S mitted by right when the ML zone is part of a planned industrial park at least 25 acres in net area or in an IM district. ●● Various automotive uses may be permitted by special exception when the ML zone is E part of a planned industrial park at least 25 acres in net area or in an IM district. ●● Interim uses may be permitted under spe- cial conditions.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 61 MH Manufacturing, Heavy

Intent: To provide areas for industrial uses that 1 require assembling, compounding, manufac- Height and Area Requirements turing, packaging, or processing of goods and B A1 Minimum front setback 25 feet2 services. Minimum front setback A2 50 feet Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Industrial to centerline of street uses requiring assembly, production, process- C C B Minimum rear setback 30 feet ing, packaging, or treatment of various ele- ments, boat yard, laboratory, office, medical C Minimum side setback 30 feet clinic, equipment and material storage yard, 3 brewery, adult entertainment subject to loca- E Max. building height Unlimited A1 tional criteria. A2 1 When within 150 feet of an interstate highway or express- way, or any residential zone or street right-of-way abutting a residential zone, the setbacks of the MR zone apply. In Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: addition, only passenger car parking, uses permitted in the Landfill, junk yard, truck stop and trucking MR zone and mineral aggregate extraction are permitted facility. 2 50 feet if located on a dual highway 3 Except when abutting a residence or business zone, any Notes: part of a building which is within 100 feet cannot exceed 3

●● Heavy manufacturing and industrial opera- stories or 40 feet tions are permitted either by right or by S special exception when located certain dis- tances from residential and business zones.


62 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Districts

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 63 AS Automotive Services District

Intent: To be applied within the urban-rural demarcation line (URDL) to certain parcels of land zoned BL, BM, or BR that are appropriate for uses dominated by the parking and servicing of auto-mobiles or characterized by frequent turnover, such as fuel service stations and car wash operations. The AS district replaced the CNS, CSA, CS-1, and CS-2 districts. The AS district was created to permit fuel service sta- tions in accordance with the goals of the master plan and duly adopted community plans by requiring performance standards that regulate their location and appearance as well as the additional uses that may be developed at such sites.

Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses per- mitted by the underlying zone.

Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: Uses permitted by special exception in the un- derlying zone.

64 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County CR Commercial, Rural District

Intent: Established to provide basic conve- nience shopping and services in rural areas where such facilities are not available within a reasonable distance. The CR district, which has strict requirements on building size and ap- pearance, has most often been applied to the existing commercial zones in rural areas to en- sure development is compatible with the rural setting.

Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses per- mitted by the underlying zone.

Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: Uses permitted by special exception in the un- derlying zone. Any use not permitted in the underlying zone, but permitted in the district is further limited by the bulk regulations.

Notes: Generally, buildings in a CR district are limited to 8,800 sq. ft. of floor space (6,600 sq. ft. on the ground floor). Buildings which exceed the bulk regulations may be permitted by special exception only when the proposed development is in compliance with the site design guidelines and performance standards which are part of a duly adopted master plan for the district.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 65 CCC Commercial, Community Core District

Intent: To provide for centers of shopping and auxiliary commercial activity on land zoned BL, BM, and/or BR and intended to serve an area of between 30,000 and 50,000 persons. Shopping opportunities are provided for con- venience goods, appliances, furniture, and may include department stores or variety stores.

Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses per- mitted by the underlying zone.

Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: Uses permitted by special exception in the un- derlying zone.

66 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County CT Commercial, Town Center Core District

Intent: To provide primary shopping areas within town centers on land zoned BL, BM, BR and/or ML. This primary shopping area is intended to contain a high incidence of pedestrian-oriented retail uses of a type ordi- narily producing relatively high income and profit per square foot of sales area. The district may include major business generators such as department stores and certain auxiliary ser- vices such as offices. The district may only be applied within designated town centers which include Towson, White Marsh, Owings Mills, Eastpoint, Security, Westview, Merritt Point, Pikesville.

Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses per- mitted by the underlying zone.

Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: Uses permitted by special exception in the un- derlying zone.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 67 H and H1 Honeygo Area Districts

Intent: To implement the Honeygo Area Plan, ensuring that the development of infrastructure coincides with the approval of building permits. The districts are intended to provide for a uni- fied traditional design which will create a sense of community rather than isolated subdivisions and commercial uses. Design standards are provided which feature protection of the envi- ronment, housing oriented towards the street, streetscapes which are not dominated by park- ing lots, signage consistent with building de- sign, and landscaping. The H and H1 districts are additions to, modifications of, and excep- tions from the requirements of the underlying zoning classification.

Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses per- mitted by the underlying zone.

Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: Uses permitted by special exception in the un- derlying zone.

68 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County IM Industrial, Major District

Intent: To encourage greater use of prime in- dustrial land. Nonauxiliary commercial uses are discouraged. The IM district may be ap- plied only to areas individually containing 100 acres or more of land zoned for industrial or semi-industrial use. The base zone may be MH, ML, MLR, MR, BR, and/or BM.

Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses per- mitted by the underlying zone, auxiliary retail, service and semi-industrial uses such as banks, barbershops, dry cleaning facilities, contractor’s shops, machinary sales/repair, hotels and mo- tels, office supply stores, taverns.

Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: Uses permitted by special exception in the un- derlying zone, car washes, truck and car service garages.

Height and Area Requirements: Same as un- derlying zone.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 69 M43 MD 43 (Maryland Route 43) Overlay District

Intent: Encourage the development of indus- trial zoned land with export type businesses that generate family supporting wages. This district can only be applied to certain industrially- zoned parcels or parcels zoned OR within the Middle River Employment Center Plan Area. All development must be in conformance with the the Comprehensive Manual of Development Policies or a pattern book submitted as an alter- nate land design scenario.

Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Uses per- mitted by right in the underlying ML or MH zone; however, auxiliary commercial uses are limited to no more than 8% of the gross floor area. Residential uses are permitted on up to 30% of an overall 800-acre tract in common ownership, and with approval of a pattern book, standard requirements including height, area, bulk and parking may be modified or waived.

Typical Uses Permitted by Special Exception: Any use permitted by special exception in the underlying zone and classified as “employment intensive.”

Uses Prohibited: After hours clubs, junkyards, outdoor advertising and striptease businesses are specifically prohibited.

70 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County ME Mercantile Exposition Overlay District

Intent: Allow commercial, entertainment and agricultural activities, including expositions, fairs, entertainment and sporting, and agricultural-related events, that support an agricultural society organiza- tion and attract local tourism. The ME District is not intended to permit a slot machine parlor or video lottery facility.

Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Animal shows, athletic events, carnivals, camping, exhibi- tions, sales, thorobred racing and betting, gaming events.

Typical Uses Prohibited: Video lottery facility.

Note: This district can only be applied to tracts of at least 80 acres owned by an agricultural society.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 71 NC Neighborhood Commons Overlay District

Intent: Promote more livable communities through the preservation of land for community parks, gar- dens and natural areas. It is intended that the NC District be applied only to open space parcels in es- tablished neighborhoods, and that residential, com- mercial, or industrial development not be permitted on tracts with the NC District designation.

Typical Uses Permitted by Right: Open space, and civic, social, educational and recreational uses not involving structures more than 1000 square feet.

Typical Uses Permitted by Special Excep- tion: Civic, social, educational and recreational uses involving ancillary structures more than 1000 square feet.

Note: This district can only be applied inside the URDL

72 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendices

Appendix A: Selected Zoning Terms...... 74

Appendix B: Major Zoning Milestones...... 75

Appendix C: Historic Districts...... 77

Appendix D: Design Review Panel Areas...... 89

Appendix E: Adopted Community Plans...... 103

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 73 Appendix A: Selected Zoning Terms

Setback - The required minimum distance be- after which a decision will be issued. The ALJ The ALJ has the authority to grant variances of tween the building line and the front, side, or must find that the use will meet certain criteria height and area regulations without holding a rear property line or an adjacent use or zone line. concerning impacts to the surrounding commu- public hearing for owner-occupied lots zoned nity, and also meet any other special regulations residential, if the property is posted and there Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) - The total gross listed for that use or zone in the BCZR. If a use are no requests for a public hearing within 15 floor area of buildings on a site divided by the days. gross area of the site. An F.A.R. requirement is not included on the special exception use list- limits the bulk or height of a building in relation ings for the zone, it cannot be permitted through to its parcel size. the special exception process. It is not possible to obtain density or intensity of use beyond what is permitted in the zone Residential Transition Area: RTAs are buffer Special Hearing - The ALJ has the authority through the variance process. areas that are required when low density single to conduct hearings involving any violation, family, semi-detached and duplex buildings ad- alleged violation or the interpretation of any Nonconforming Use - A nonconforming use join higher density housing types such as town- zoning regulation upon notice to “the parties is a legal use which does not conform to a use houses and garden apartments. of interest” and subject to the right of appeal to regulation for the zone in which it is located the Board of Appeals. Any “interested person” or to a special regulation applicable to the Special Exception - The Baltimore County may petition for a public hearing which must be use. A nonconforming use can continue until Zoning Regulations (BCZR) contain use list- advertised, and posted if a specific property is circ*mstances such as abandonment of the ings for each zone which indicate whether a use involved. property leads to the discontinuation of the use. is permitted by right or by special exception. If Theoretically, nonconforming uses are replaced a use is not included on either of these lists, the Variance - The BCZR permits variances from over time with conforming uses. use is prohibited from locating in the zone. If a height and area regulations, from off-street use is permitted by right, the use is appropriate parking regulations and from sign regulations. Urban Rural Demarcation Line (URDL) - A for any location in a zone. A use permitted by A petition is submitted to the ALJ who must line established by the Planning Board dividing special exception is appropriate for some, but find that strict compliance with the regulations that portion of Baltimore County considered not all locations in a zone. For example, in the would result in “practical difficulty and unrea- “urban” from that portion considered “rural.” Density Residential (DR) zones, dwellings are sonable hardship.” The variance is not permit- Generally, the line between urban zoning and permitted by right; nursing homes are permitted ted if it will cause “substantial injury to public rural zoning. The URDL has been established by special exception. health, safety and general welfare” or if the as a component of the Master Plan. resulting development would not be in “strict If a use is permitted by special exception, a pe- harmony with the spirit and intent” of the regu- tition must be submitted to the Administrative lation which is varianced. Law Judge. The ALJ will hold a public hearing,

74 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix B: Major Zoning Milestones

1945 creation of two rural zones, Rural Deferred 1994 Zoning was introduced in Baltimore County as Planning (RDP) and Rural Suburban ●● Performance-based business zones were county commissioners adopted a “comprehen- Conservation (RSC). created: BLR and CB. sive” set of zoning regulations containing seven ●● Office zones were revised; changing O-1 zones: four residential, one commercial, and 1975 to OR-1, O-2 to OR-2 and creating the O-3 two industrial. Resource Conservation (RC) zones were intro- zone. duced: RC-2, RC-3, RC-4, RC-5. 1955 1997 Zoning regulations were expanded to 13 zones: 1979 Major update of the county’s sign regulations. six residential, three commercial, and four in- Growth management and basic services legisla- dustrial. There were no purpose or intent state- tion enacted; RC-2 zone revised. 2000 ments or locational requirements contained in Two new rural zones were created: RC-6 and these classifications. 1980 RC-7. Office zones RO, O-1 and O-2 revised 1970 2002 Bill 100 significantly revised the BCZR. 1988 The Middle River Employment Zone District ●● Eliminated minimum lot sizes (except for ●● Chesapeake Bay Critical Area regulations (M-43) was created. small lot subdivisions). and two new zones were introduced: RC- ●● Created DR zones (density residential) with 20 and RC-50. 2004 permitted density equal to the DR number ●● Major update of the county’s parking regu- Another rural zone was created: RC-8. times gross acreage (i.e., DR-5.5 = 5 1/2 lations. units/acre). 2012 ●● Allowed the transfer of density between 1992 Two new overlay districts were created, zones on a parcel to encourage more cre- In accordance with the 1989 Master Plan, revi- Neighborhood Commons (NC) and Mercantile ative and innovative subdivisions, better sions were made to the BCZR modifying Bill Exposition (ME) use of open space, and diversity of housing 100 provisions: types. ●● Limited density transfers. ●● Introduced the concept of a Planned Unit ●● Residential uses limited in DR-1, DR-2, Development (PUD) and DR-3.5 to single family units only. ●● Recognized the significance of the Urban ●● Townhouses permitted in DR-5.5 only with Rural Demarcation Line (URDL) with the finding of compatibility.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 75 Appendix C: Historic Districts

Baltimore County law defines a historic district Districts as an area “in which there are located structures that have historical, cultural, educational, or Corbett architectural value, the preservation of which is Glyndon deemed to be for the educational, cultural, eco- Fieldstone nomic, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the county.” Following a process of petition Franklinville by the property owners and public hearings, Lutherville the County Council votes to designate Historic Districts. The boundaries of each district are Monkton interpreted as matching the respective property Relay lines. Rippling Run Sudbrook Park Single Properties

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 77 Appendix C Corbett Historic District

78 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix C Glyndon Historic District

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 79 Appendix C Fieldstone Historic District

80 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix C Franklinville Historic District

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 81 Appendix C Lutherville Historic District

82 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix C Monkton Historic District

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 83 Appendix C Relay Historic District

84 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix C Rippling Run Historic District

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 85 Appendix C Sudbrook Park Historic District

86 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix C Single Property Historic Districts

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 87 Appendix D: Design Review Panel Areas

The Design Review Panel (DRP) was estab- Commercial Review Areas lished by the Baltimore County Code. The pan- Arbutus el reviews plans for development projects lo- Catonsville cated within designated Design Review Areas. Essex The DRP’s general charge is to encourage de- Loch Raven - Baynesville sign excellence through the application of the Loch Raven - Hillendale relevant design guidelines and standards con- Perry Hall tained in the Master Plan, the Comprehensive Pikesville Manual of Development Policies, adopted Towson community plans and/or Section 260 of the Baltimore County Zoning Regulations. Section 260 provides general standards relating to resi- Residential Review Areas dential development, as well as specific stan- East Towson dards for several of the design review areas. Middle River While the DRP acts in a technical consulting Ruxton - Riderwood - Lake Roland capacity, its recommendations are usually le- Sudbrook Park gally binding on the Hearing Officer and the Towson county agencies involved in plan approval.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 89 Appendix D - Commercial Arbutus Design Review Panel Area

90 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix D - Commercial Catonsville Design Review Panel Area

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 91 Appendix D - Commercial Essex Design Review Panel Area

92 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix D - Commercial Loch Raven Baynesville Design Review Panel Area

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 93 Appendix D - Commercial Loch Raven-Hillendale Design Review Panel Area

94 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix D - Commercial Perry Hall Design Review Panel Area

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 95 Appendix D - Commercial Pikesville Design Review Panel Area

96 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix D - Commercial and Residential Towson Design Review Panel Area

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 97 Appendix D - Residential East Towson Design Review Panel Area

98 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix D - Residential Middle River Design Review Panel Area

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 99 Appendix D - Residential Ruxton - Riderwood - Lake Roland Design Review Panel Area

100 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix D - Residential Sudbrook Park Design Review Panel Area

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 101 Appendix E Community Plan Areas

Community plans adopted by the Baltimore County Council can contain specific develop- Community Plan Area Requirements ment requirements that are incorporated into the A pattern book assuring that the development achieves a high zoning regulations. Back River Neck District quality of design is required for villas on properties zoned RC-5

Specific site design, architectural design and design amendment Bowleys Quarters and standards apply to new dwellings on property zoned DR, RC-5 or Back River Neck RC-20.

Carney-Cub Hill-Parkville Panhandle lots are not permitted.

Panhandle lots are not permitted unless each lot is at least two Greenspring-East Pikesville acres.

For single family detached lots that are part of a development plan Middle River and zoned DR-3.5, the minimum lot width is 75 feet.

For any single-family detached lot, the minimum width is 75 feet; Middle River - Bird River the minimum front yard setback is 20 feet; and the minimum rear yard setback is 40 feet.

The minimum width for any single-family detached lot located in South Perry Hall - White the area north of Ridge Road is 75 feet. This does not apply to al- Marsh ternative site design dwellings.

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 103 Appendix E Bowley’s Quarters/Back River Neck Plan Area and Back River Neck District

104 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix E Bowley’s Quarters/Back River Neck Plan Area Appendix E and Back River Neck District Carney-Cub Hill-Parkville Plan Area

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 105 Appendix E Greenspring-East Pikesville Plan Area

106 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix E Middle River Plan Area

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 107 Appendix E Middle River - Bird River Plan Area

108 Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County Appendix E South Perry Hall - White Marsh Plan Area

Citizen’s Guide to Zoning in Baltimore County 109 Baltimore County Department of Planning 105 West Chesapeake Avenue Towson, MD 21204 www.baltimorecountymd.gov/planning

A Citizen's Guide to Zoning and Other Land Use Regulations (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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